Wednesday, July 1, 2009


Me and Jamin have been renting a house in Provo since we got married....all its been is problem after problem and I'm so sick of dealing with it! Well last week we found out that our house was not up to code, we've been having repair after repair. My land lady has not been the best always fixing things half way or just being stupid. I've HAD it with her.
So this lovely morning on my day off I had to get up at 8 so I could be ready to be kicked out of my house so the inspector could come.....not so happy about that. I'm really hoping that its not up to code and that we get to move out as soon as we found a place and she has to pay us a million dollars I could really use some money haha! Hopefully we find something soon so I don't have to LIVE here anymore.


Emma said...

That sucks! I had no idea that was why you keep showing up at my house at 8am! JUST KIDDING. I hope you get a million dollars so you can buy me lots of presents!

Becca said...

Aaahh - first places. Mine and Robert's first place was a dump, in a bad neighborhood, and we froze cause the windows leaked, and the carpet was wet from the condensation that formed on the sliding glass door, and a ghost that scared Adam, and our neighbor who looked like Mario from super mario brothers tried to kiss me...

The 2nd place is always better!

April said...

You will find a place soon, don't worry about it.
And Becca is right, first places always suck...remember mine and Jay's first place...what a nightmare.